Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blog post #2

1. I like Bansky's pieces because they are risky. They sort of say screw the system and they are humorous in some cases. You can tell his feelings towards war, politics, and just life in general. I like the attitude displayed in his artwork.
2. I believe that graffiti is art. Anything that you have to create by yourself is artwork to me. However, tagging a building isn't legal and can cause a lot of controversy. Therefore, lots of artists chose not to have people know exactly who they are.
3. I think somebody should have the right to put their work in public because of freedom of expression. However, just as we have the freedom to say what we want and protest, there are certain times when people cross the line. I do believe that it is important for people to express the way they feel about certain topics, but when another person gets hurt then it's gone too far.

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